UX in the City, Manchester 2019
I was privileged to be part of a small group of students selected to attend UX in the City, Manchester with a group of fellow designers. It was a valuable experience that I will remember, mixing with industry professionals, learning from other designer’s projects and learning hacks that can improve productivity and efficiency.
We were only able to attend on Day two, but I still gained a lot of knowledge from the people that I spoke to and the talks that I went to.
Throughout the day, I attended as many workshops and talks as I could. There were so many talks and workshops organised that is was difficult to choose between them.
Talks and Workshops
Improving the Customer Experience with Top Tasks - Gerry McGovern / Customer Carewords
Intensive Care: Redesigning NHS.uk - Dean Vipond / NHS Digital
Neuroscience of Digital Distractions and the Social Responsibility of Designers - Anastasia Dedyukhina / Consciously Digital
UX Life Hacks: How to Work Smarter and Get More Done - Neil Turner / Redgate
How to Make Visual Designs Shine with User-Centred Design - Ollie Miller / cxpartners
I would have loved to have attended both days, and it is definitely an event that I would attend again!